Love Quotes


"We grew together, and now are grown. In her eyes, I see my heart. In her breath, I hear my soul. She is my land. She is my kin. My love."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Red Rising, ch. 4: The Gift, p. 29

"I live for you"

- Darrow O'Lykos
Red Rising, ch. 4: The Gift, p. 34

"I forget that Cassius, Roque, Sevro, and I are enemies. Red and Gold. I forget that one day I might have to kill them all. They call me brother, and I cannot but think of them in the same way."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Red Rising, ch. 30: House Diana, p. 228

"We talk about anything but the things we should. Innocent and quiet, like two moths dancing around the same flame."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Golden Son, ch. 24: Bacon and Eggs, p. 216

"I would not have raised you to be a great man. There is no peace for great men. I would have had you be a decent one. I would have given you the quiet strength to grow old with the woman you love."

- Lorn au Arcos
Golden Son, ch. 28: The Stormsons, p. 256

"He was always our friend,” Roque says. “It was our responsibility to help him try. Even if it was like hugging a flame."

- Roque au Fabii
Golden Son, ch. 32: Die Young, p. 277

"Better to go into that other world in the full glory of some passion than to fade and wither with age. Live fast. Die young, my wayward friend."

- Roque au Fabii
Golden Son, ch. 32: Die Young, p. 278

"Tactus was always my friend. He just got lost in trying to be the man his family wanted him to be, when all along his friends loved the man he already was."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Golden Son, ch. 32: Die Young, p. 278

"I was not thinking about Victra, but about Tactus and wondering how easily he could tell that I kept him at arm’s length. When I showed him love at first and he rejected the violin, I grew embarrassed and hurt. So I pulled back. Better if I had been true to how I felt and stayed the course. His walls would have broken. He never would have left. He could still be here. I’ll not make the same mistake again, least of all to Victra. I reached out to her in the hall, and I will do so in this company."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Golden Son, ch. 32: Die Young, p. 283

"Love and war. Same coin. Different sides."

- Lorn au Arcos
Golden Son, ch. 34: Blood Brothers, p. 292

"I long for the cold, quiet nights before love when it was only lust and hunger, where we would kiss in secret, hearts fluttering, like two little birds realizing they might build a nest together after all."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Golden Son, ch. 38: The Iron Rain, p. 329

"I didn’t mind that it was always about you, Darrow. That was what burned Tactus, but not me. I’m not in love with you like Mustang. I don’t worship you like Sevro or the Howlers. I was a true friend. I was someone who saw your light and your dark and accepted both without judgment, without agenda. And what did you do to me? You used me like a man uses a horse. I’m better than that. Quinn was better than that."

- Roque au Fabii
Golden Son, ch. 44: The Poet, p. 379

"Friendships take minutes to make, moments to break, years to repair"

- Roque au Fabii
Golden Son, ch. 44: The Poet, p. 380

"I think I’m better than you,” he says. I step back, wounded. He watches the deer nibble at the grain in the feeder. “I’ve sat by the bedsides of three friends this year. Quinn, Tactus, and you. Each time I knew I would have gladly switched places with any of you. Would you wish the same?"

- Roque au Fabii
Golden Son, ch. 44: The Poet, p. 380

"I always knew a Gold couldn’t lead this rebellion. It has to be from the bottom up, boyo. Red is about family. More than any other Color, it is about love amid all the horror of our world. If Red rises, they have a chance to bind the worlds together. MidColors won’t. Pinks, Browns, can’t. Obsidians have failed before. And if they succeeded alone, they’d break the worlds instead of freeing them."

- Fitcher au Barca
Golden Son, ch. 46: Brotherhood, p. 394

"she gave the most she could, did the best she could with what she had. That’s why I will always love her, and it is why I know whether or not she would give her blessing for what I go to do. My heart can’t stay here in this cage she herself has fled. It must move on."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Golden Son, ch. 47: Free, p. 399

"The dead can always hear us, my love. Why else do you think we sing? We want them to know that even though they are gone, we can still find joy.” Cradling my niece, she turns to look at me as she takes the first step up the stairs. “That’s all they’d want for us.”"

- Deanna O'Lykos
Golden Son, ch. 49: Why We Sing, p. 415

"I didn’t know,” she whispers. “Darrow, I didn’t know."

- Victra au Julii
Golden Son, ch. 51: Golden Son, p. 439

"Man is no island. We need those who love us. We need those who hate us. We need others to tether us to life, to give us a reason to live, to feel."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Morning Star, ch. 1: Only the Dark, p. 4

"The Golds carve their deeds into their swords. The grand, violent shit they’ve done. But Ares thought you’d prefer to see the people you love"

- Holiday ti Nakamura
Morning Star, ch. 3: Snakebite, p. 26

"I’ve never been a man of joy or a man of war, or an island in a storm. Never an absolute like Lorn. That was what I pretended to be. I am and always have been a man who is made complete by those around him."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Morning Star, ch. 10: My People, p. 84

"Everything she is dwells behind her eyes. She has her father’s mind. Her mother’s face. And a distant, foreboding sort of intelligence that can give you wings or crush you to the earth."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Morning Star, ch. 24: Hic Sunt Leones, p. 190

"He smiled in the end,” she says softly. “Do you know why? Because he knew what he was doing was right. He was fighting for love. You’ve made a family of your friends. You always have. It made Ragnar a better man to know you. So you didn’t get him killed. You helped him live."

- Virginia au Augustus
Morning Star, ch. 31: The Pale Queen, p. 242

"When Darrow was small, maybe three or four, his father gave him an old watch his father had given him. This brass thing, with a wheel instead of digital numbers. Do you remember it?” I nod. “It was beautiful. Your favorite possession. And years later, after his father had died, Kieran here got sick with a cough. Meds were always in short ration in the mines. So you’d have to get them from Gamma or Gray, but each has a price. I didn’t know how I was going to pay, and then Darrow comes home one day with the medicine, won’t say how he got it. But several weeks later I saw one of the Grays checking the time with that old watch."

- Deanna O'Lykos
Morning Star, ch. 36: Swill, p. 284

"Sevro might’ve worn the helmet, but you’re the heart here,” I tell him. “You always have been. You’re too humble to see it, but you’re as great a man as Ares himself. And somehow, you’re still good. Unlike that dirty rat bastard.” I pull back and thump his chest. “And I love you. Just so you know."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Morning Star, ch. 39: The Heart, p. 306