Wisdom Quotes


"An empire cannot be destroyed from without till it is destroyed from within. Remember that. We’re empire-breakers, not terrorists."

- Dancer O'Faran
Red Rising, ch. 10: The Carver, p. 72

"In the densest places of man, humanity most easily breaks down"

- Dancer O'Faran
Red Rising, ch. 10: The Carver, p. 76

"If you are thrown into the deep and do not swim, you will drown,” he says, and raises his thin eyebrows. “So keep swimming, right?"

- Roque au Fabii
Red Rising, ch. 20: The House Mars, p. 144

"no man can pursue any endeavor in the face of tribal warfare."

- Octavia au Lune
Red Rising, ch. 22: The Tribes, p. 170

"Blood begets blood begets blood begets blood …"

- Roque au Fabii
Red Rising, ch. 24: Titus's War, p. 186

"A fool pulls the leaves. A brute chops the trunk. A sage digs the roots."

- Nero Au Augustus
Golden Son, ch. 4: Fallen, p. 29

"Watch how a pitviper strikes, my son.” Father once clutched me by my wrist and made me play this game. “Watch it coil upward and upward till it reaches its crest. Don’t move before then. Don’t strike out with your slingBlade. If you do, then it’ll get you. It’ll kill you. Move just when it’s coming down. Do that with the terror in life. Don’t act till you’re as scared as you’ll get, then …” He snapped his fingers."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Golden Son, ch. 20: Helldiver, p. 184

"I would not have raised you to be a great man. There is no peace for great men. I would have had you be a decent one. I would have given you the quiet strength to grow old with the woman you love."

- Lorn au Arcos
Golden Son, ch. 28: The Stormsons, p. 256

"Pliny is a leech,” I say. “A liar as much as you’re an honest man.” “And that makes him dangerous. Liars make the best promises."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Golden Son, ch. 34: Blood Brothers, p. 293

"You taught me once, Lorn. I’m a better man for it. But now it’s my turn to teach you. Men can change. Sometimes they have to fall. Sometimes they have to leap.” I pat his knee and gain my feet. “Before you die, you’ll realize it was a mistake to kill Tactus, because you never gave him the chance to believe he was a good man."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Golden Son, ch. 34: Blood Brothers, p. 294

"Mortals who plan die a thousand times. We who obey die but once."

- Ragnar Volarus
Golden Son, ch. 34: Blood Brothers, p. 295

"Power is the crown that eats the head"

- Adrius au Augustus
Golden Son, ch. 36: Lord of War, p. 309

"Achilles let his pride and rage consume him, and in the end, an arrow shot by a Pixie took him in the foot. There’s much to live for besides this. Hopefully you’ll grow old enough to realize that Achilles was a gorydamn fool. And we’re fools all the more for not realizing he wasn’t Homer’s hero. He was warning. I feel like men once knew that."

- Lorn au Arcos
Golden Son, ch. 36: Lord of War, p. 317

"Friendships take minutes to make, moments to break, years to repair"

- Roque au Fabii
Golden Son, ch. 44: The Poet, p. 380

"In a storm, you don’t tie two boats together. They’ll drag each other down."

- Fitcher au Barca
Golden Son, ch. 46: Brotherhood, p. 394

"Pity is not forgiveness, nor is gratitude absolution."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Morning Star, ch. 2: Prisoner L17L6363, p. 15

"Forget a man’s name and he’ll forgive you. Remember it, and he’ll defend you forever."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Morning Star, ch. 11: My People, p. 84

"Oh, how the vultures flock to the mighty, to eat the carcasses left in their wake."

- Roque au Fabii
Morning Star, ch. 12: The Julii, p. 88

"I think the shittiest part about getting old is now we’re smart enough to see the cracks in everything."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Morning Star, ch. 22: The Weight of Ares, p. 171

"A man thinks he can fly, but he is afraid to jump. A poor friend pushes him from behind.” He looks up at me. “A good friend jumps with."

- Ragnar Volarus
Morning Star, ch. 25: Exodus, p. 193

"“Do you know how the Inuit tribes of Earth killed wolves?” I ask. She doesn’t. “Slower and weaker than the wolves, they chiseled knives till they were razor sharp, coated them in blood and stuck them upright in the ice. Then the wolves would come up and lick the blood. And as the wolf licks faster and faster, he’s so ravenous he doesn’t realize until it’s too late that the blood he’s drinking is his own."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Morning Star, ch. 25: Exodus, p. 197

"How sad, the dependability of greed to make men fools."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Morning Star, ch. 32: No Man's Land, p. 255

"just because a lion lets you pet it doesn’t mean it’s tame."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Morning Star, ch. 54: The Goblin and the Gold, p. 424

"when the law is not obeyed, the ground is fertile for tyrants."

- Dancer O'Faran
Iron Gold, ch. 2: Darrow, p. 20

"Sadly, not all adversaries are enemies."

- Darrow O'Lykos
Iron Gold, ch. 2: Darrow, p. 21