Latin Quotes


"Hic sunt leones. “Here be lions.”"

- Nero Au Augustus
Golden Son, ch. Part 1: Bow, p. 2

"Vox clamantis in deserto. (voice of one crying in the wilderness)"

- Darrow O'Lykos
Golden Son, ch. 9: The Darkness, p. 73

"Then today, res, non verba.” Actions, not words."

- Octavia au Lune
Golden Son, ch. 12: Blood for Blood, p. 106

"Per aspera ad astra. (Through the thorns to the stars)"

- Darrow O'Lykos
Golden Son, ch. 18: Bloodstains, p. 155

"Through the thorns to the stars.” Sevro snickers. “You fancy little fart. Omnis vir lupus.” Everyone a wolf."

- Sevro au Barca
Golden Son, ch. 18: Bloodstains, p. 155

"Audentes fortuna juvat (Fortune favors the bold)"

- Sevro au Barca
Golden Son, ch. 20: Helldiver, p. 185

"Cacatne ursus in silvis? (Does a bear shit in the woods?)"

- Sevro au Barca
Golden Son, ch. 20: Helldiver, p. 185

"LUX EX TENEBRIS. - Light from darkness."

- Lysander au Lune
Iron Gold, ch. 8: Lysander, p. 60

"Alea iacta est. (The die is cast)"

- Romulus au Raa
Iron Gold, ch. 26: Lysander, p. 234

"Qualis rex, talis grex, (As the king so the people)"

- Dido au Raa
Iron Gold, ch. 36: Lysander, p. 358

"Pulvis et umbra sumus (we are but dust and shadow). Akari, bear witness."

- Bellerephon au Raa
Iron Gold, ch. 40: Lysander, p. 394

"Alis aquilae. The words of your house. ‘On eagle’s wings.’"

- Lysander au Lune
Iron Gold, ch. 48: Lysander, p. 448

"Until then, my noble foe, per aspera ad astra."

- Apollonius au Valii-Rath
Light Bringer, ch. 4: Darrow: The Sordid Affair, p. 26