Virginia au Augustus Quotes


"I’ll never get used to seeing the fear Sevro wakes in people. Deep down they know Darrow is operating on a framework of logic. No one, not even me, believes that Sevro is completely sane."

Dark Age, ch. 27: Virginia: Pack, p. 217

"I believe we all begin equal parts light and dark. I fear you think your strength lies in your darkness. But the measure of a man is not the fear he sows in his enemies. It is the hope he gives his friends."

Dark Age, ch. 35: Darrow: Endure, p. 302

"the moment you become Sovereign, you become loneliest person in all the worlds, because there is no new endeavor, no new height to which you can ascend. Whatever loneliness is already inside you is magnified, because if you were lucky enough to have anyone understand you before, they won’t understand you after you sit in the Morning Chair. Only one person alive at a time knows what it means to be Sovereign."

Dark Age, ch. 56: Virginia: A Maze with No Center, p. 477

"There is evil in us, as there is good. But we do not regret our good as we do our evil. So we know what we are, my daughter. We know what we are."

Dark Age, ch. 91: Virginia: Salvation or Vengeance, p. 739